Lockdown companies stocks – where to invest your funds?

Stay at home trade stocks are the stocks of companies that became popular as worldwide lockdowns came into place. As the coronavirus outbreak led to worldwide restrictions and states of emergency, people started to stay at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Because of that, stay-at-home stocks started to get popular with stock traders. According to the Nasdaq Internet Index, stay-at-home stocks like Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Alibaba, and Alphabet are rising and are holding top positions. For example, Netflix’s share prices after the Covid pandemic have risen by 14%, while the Amazon stocks have grown by 4%.
All of the mentioned companies allow people to get services remotely, so this can be one of the main reasons why the prices of the mentioned companies have grown so rapidly in the stock market.  
Except for the above-mentioned companies, some companies provide consumers with educational tools and platforms. For example, video conferences from Zoom, which is one of the best stay-at-home stocks to buy.
Here are some of the best stay-at-home stocks worth investing in today:

  1. Zoom Video
  2. Amazon
  3. Netflix
  4. Peloton
  5. Etsy

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What are the best stay-at-home stocks to invest in?

As already mentioned, because of the coronavirus outbreak many people were forced to stay at home and stay-at-home stock prices raised in the stock market, respectively. Through that, the demand for the stay at home stocks has grown rapidly. Since we’ve discussed the stay-at-home stocks meaning let’s overview some of the best stocks available today.

Zoom Video

Zoom Video is an American communication software company. Its headquarters is located in San Jose, California, USA. The main product of the mentioned company is its free-to-use online video calling software. Through Zoom people are allowed to conduct conferences and meetings, which made Zoom stocks one of the best stay-at-home stocks in 2020. 
The company’s revenue is estimated as 2.65 billion dollars (2020).


Because of the Coronavirus outbreak, many people stayed at home and weren’t allowed to conduct conferences and meetings face-to-face. So Zoom started to become one of the best alternatives. For this reason, Zoom stocks started increasing rapidly.
In 2020 compared to the last year the sales of Zoom stocks have grown by more than 300% and the expectation of raising its price by 2021 is about 40%. 
So, depending on the above-given information it’s clear that Zoom Video stocks are one of the best stay-at-home education stocks that are worth watching. 


Amazon as already mentioned is one of the largest companies, which is performing quite well in the stock market. The company was established in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and its headquarter is situated in Seattle, Washington, U.S. The total revenue of the company according to 2020 data is defined by 384.064 billion US dollars and the worth of total assets is estimated at 321.2 billion dollars (2020). 
After the coronavirus pandemics and their accompanying restrictions, many people who stayed at home started buying things remotely. As Amazon is the biggest company, which provides customers with several useful items, technologies, and things that are used in daily life, more people started shopping through the mentioned company. Because of that in the period of pandemics, Amazon started performing much better in the stock market. 
Even though Amazon isn’t one of the cheap stay-at-home stocks because of its high prices of shares and stocks, it is one of the stay-at-home stocks that is worth keeping an eye on. At the moment of writing this article, the price for Amazon’s one share is 3.379.09 US dollars. Also, it is worth mentioning that the company’s sales have grown by 30% in 2021 compared to the last year. 


Netflix is an American platform, which provides customers with several content and products. Mostly, people are using Netflix for watching movies, films, and cartoons. It was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. Its headquarters is located in Los Gatos, California, U.S.
The total revenue of the company according to 2020 data is about 25 billion dollars and total assets are estimated at US$39.28 billion (2020). 

Because of the Coronavirus spreading many people stayed at home, which made Netflix stocks one of the stay at home stocks to buy now. Many people started to use the mentioned platform for entertainment. Because of that, the number of Netflix new users has grown significantly and at the beginning of 2021, its exact number was 203.67 million paid subscribers. 
At the moment of writing this article, the price for one Netflix share is estimated as 553.49 USD. So, because of the Coronavirus spreading tendency and the fact that more people are starting to use the mentioned platform, Netflix stocks can be one of the best stay-at-home stocks that promise you money returns and payouts. 


Peloton Interactive,Inc. is a company that provides customers with exercise equipment. The company is famous for its bicycles. After the Coronavirus outbreak Peloton stocks became one of the most vulnerable stay at home fitness stocks. 
Peloton is an American company, which was established in 2012 and its founders are Graham Stanton, Hisao Kushi, John Foley, Tom Cortese, and Yony Feng. The total revenue depending on the 2020 data is defined as $1.825 billion and the worth of total assets is estimated as $2.981 billion. 
After the spreading of COVID-19 and its related restrictions, the gyms and fitness centers were closed. What’s more, because of the pandemics the transportation restrictions were established by governments. So, people who were used to exercising in the gyms started purchasing products from Peloton. Peloton allows customers to buy several exercising equipment and bicycles, as well.
Because of the above-written reasons, the company’s revenue in the first three calendar quarters of 2020 has increased respectively by 92%, 139%, and 160%. Because of that tendency Peloton stocks became one of the best stay-at-home covid stocks.
What’s more, Peloton isn’t going to stop its growth, instead, it allows buyers to purchase the equipment at a low price. Through that, the company’s customers are going to increase. So, depending on the above-given information, Peloton stocks can be one of the main stocks that are worth watching in the stock market. 


Etsy, Inc. is a company, which provides customers with e-commerce services. It is an American company and mostly focuses on handmade or vintage handcrafts. People can both sell and buy the crafts that are available on the website. 
Etsy was founded in 2005 and its founders are Robert Kalin, Chris Maguire, Haim Schoppik, and later Jared Tarbell. The revenue of the mentioned company according to the 2018 data is 603.7 million dollars. Its headquarters is situated in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
During the pandemic, Etsy stocks became one of the most prominent stay-at-home stocks to buy now. The main reason behind that was that people lost their jobs and Etsy allowed them to get additional payouts through selling crafts and items. What’s more, the mentioned company inspired many people who were good at making crafty items. 

According to the data, Etsy in 2020 doubled its sales compared to the last year. What’s more, depending on the 2021 data, there are 3.7 million active sellers on the platform. The mentioned number has grown by 42% compared to 2020.
Because of the mentioned company’s growing tendency, Etsy is one of the best stay-at-home stocks for 2021 in the stock market. At the moment of writing this article, the price of one Etsy share is defined as 223.5 USD.  

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The final word on stay-at-home stocks

Because of the Coronavirus outbreak, many people stayed at home. People lost their jobs, because of the virus-related restrictions and regulations people stopped traveling, as well. Even though the pandemic hit several businesses, there were some companies, which started performing quite well in the stock market. 
Stay-at-home stocks after the spread of COVID-19 started rising in the market and the companies got bountiful income through the growing demand for their services and products. 
Some of the stay-at-home companies that found pandemic periods quite beneficial are Zoom Video, Amazon, Netflix, Peloton,and Etsy. There are several reasons why they’ve become popular companies among others and why their stock prices started increasing rapidly. However, the main reason beyond it is the Coronavirus accompanying restrictions and regulations, that made people stay at home. 

FAQ on remote company stocks

Will stay-at-home stocks still be popular?

Yes, stay-at-home stocks will still be popular. Even though many countries have started vaccinating people around the world and the number of Coronavirus total cases is decreasing in some countries, as well, people see that some of the remote companies are quite useful and can get beneficial services through them. For example, Zoom Video company will still be useful in the future, because many people realized that it’s not necessary to have a conference or meeting face-to-face. Through Zoom people can save their time and make things more convenient and efficient. So, stay-at-home stocks are still going to be popular and it’s a good idea to invest your funds in the mentioned stocks. 

Is the Rise of Popular Stay-At-Home Stocks Temporary?

No, the rise of popular stay-at-home stocks isn’t temporary. It is worth mentioning that the remote companies’ stock prices dropped after the coronavirus case reduction and vaccine creation. However, in 2021 the prices of stay-at-home stocks have grown and are having an increasing tendency. This means that the popularity of the stay-at-home stocks isn't’ temporary and are worth keeping an eye on. 

Are stay-at-home stocks safe to invest in?

Yes, you can invest your funds in stay-at-home stocks without worries. The main reason is that Coronavirus and its results showed people that investing in stay-at-home stocks can be beneficial and those companies that are providing people with stay-at-home services can be quite useful after the pandemic, as well. Because of the time saving and the comfort people can get through the stay-at-home services people aren’t gonna give up on receiving benefits through the companies. So, this means, investing in stay-at-home stocks is safe and reliable. 
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