Axiory Free FX Trading Course - What Will You Learn?

Welcome to the Axiory free FX trading course. This course is for beginner traders trying to place their first trade with as much background knowledge as possible as well as veteran traders trying to refresh their memory after a long break.

Start Trading in 10 Minutes

Apply everything you’ve learnt on a real trading account with up to 1:2000 leverage, negative balance protection and outstanding support.
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Main Goals of This Course

The main objective of this course is to make sure that everybody that finishes it, has the necessary knowledge to place their first successful trade in the FX market.

What This Free Online Forex Trading Course Contains

The course is divided into several parts focusing on the most important aspects of the Forex market. You will take a journey from the very basics of forex trading (e.g. how the markets work) to the most complex factors that expert traders use on a daily basis (e.g. technical analysis).

Forex Trading Basics

The basics are always the most important factors of any knowledge. If there is no firm understanding of the basics, then no matter how many complex details you understand, there is simply no firm ground all of it stands on and tends to collapse. In the basics section you will learn:

How do markets work?

In this free complete forex trading course, you will learn about the intricacies of how each gear of the machine we call the “Forex market” works. This includes trading hours, how it operates 24/5, how trades are processed, and what it actually does. By understanding these basics, you will then have a much better view of more complicated details such as understanding pre-trade analysis and indicators. But overall, this part is not very complicated.

Setting realistic expectations

For this section, you will learn about setting realistic goals and expectations for your trading career. Many traders make the mistake of perceiving FX trading as a full-time job or something they can live off of. Although it is a definite possibility, many beginners tend to overshoot their expectations. You will be given examples and average rates at which even the most seasoned traders generate payouts. The last thing we want this forex trading free course to do is get you pumped up for something that is unlikely or completely unrealistic.

Most basic tools required to get started

The hardest step is the first one, so the main goal of this section is to show you exactly what you will need to get started. Things like good broker features, suitable account types, and recommended starting capital are among the many resources you’ll need to know about at the beginning of your journey.

Trading Platforms/Software

You can’t trade forex without designated software. You’ve probably already heard about the main ones like MetaTrader 4 and 5 or cTrader. In this section of our free forex course online you will learn how to download, install and use each of these 3 platforms. Furthermore, you will learn how to install additional features and customize your version of the software.

MetaTrader 4

This particular “lecture” will be a bit more in-depth than other ones in the Platforms section. This is because MetaTrader 4, aka MT4, is the quintessential forex trading software. It was one of the first of its kind and continues to be the most used platform today nearly 2 decades after its launch. You will learn how to navigate all of its features, how to apply indicators, switch charts, track multiple currency pairs, and much more.

MetaTrader 5

MT5 is sometimes referred to as MT4 2.0 so to speak. Although this is a free FX online course, in particular, we considered it important for you to know what other options are available through your platforms. In this section, you will learn the additional useful features that MT5 brings to you the trader as well as the opportunities it opens up for assets besides currency pairs, without having to switch platforms.


cTrader is the perfect platform to showcase the custom trading software you may encounter on your FX trading journey. It is a “modernized” version of both MT4 and MT5 so to speak, but the features are relatively the same. This section is designed to get you accustomed to the design patterns that trading software usually has. Similar to how we already expect the “close” button to be somewhere specific on our apps.

Demo Account

Demo Accounts are not really trading platforms, but they are an essential part of our free online forex trading course for beginners just because of how useful they are. All technical parts of the course will be done on demo accounts just to showcase software features without exposing students to the real risks of trading. It is a simulation of actual trading that, when used properly, could lead to much higher success rates.

Common Tools & Strategies

Tools and strategies are pretty much the only things that differentiate experts from beginners. In this section, you will learn about the most common ones used not only by beginners who’ve completed this course but veteran traders that do this for a living. But a heads-up is warranted here. This is where our beginner’s course starts shaping into more of a free advanced forex trading course, but not too advanced.


The first thing you will learn about is backtesting. This is what we call when we implement trading strategies to past market data. For example, during the webinar, we will take a specific moment in the FX market from the past, and apply a strategy we come up with together. This helps identify effective strategies for specific scenarios. If that scenario ever repeats itself in the future, traders are then aware of what strategy will be best for that particular moment.


The next step is to get familiar with trading tools available on the software traders use. Once again, this is getting into free professional forex trading course territory and warrants a more in-depth explanation. In this section you will learn about 2 particular tool types:
  • Indicators
  • Calendars
Both of these tools are essential for successful trading and will be discussed thoroughly. For example, which indicators are the most common and useful, as well as how to read the calendars are among the many things you will learn in this section.


In this particular lecture, you will learn about different strategies for different scenarios. Swing trading, scalping, day trading, and long-term trading are among the scenarios whose perfect strategies you will learn about. And just like every best free forex course that has ever been made, we will also discuss “low budget” strategies as well, just so beginners can have something achievable from the get-go.

Psychology & Risk Management

In the Psychology & Risk Management section you will learn about equations or “tried and tested” methods that traders use to keep their experiences smooth. This section will help you as a beginner trader to determine what’s the least and most risk you can take on. You will also learn about the dangers of having the “wrong attitude” or “mental picture” of trading. This will then help you get into the right mindset before placing your first trade.
To be specific, you will learn 4 very important details in this section:
  • How to set expectations
  • How to calculate risk/reward ratios
  • How to avoid overtrading
  • How to keep emotions at bay

Understanding & Filtering Information

In the final section of our Forex trading course for free, you will learn how to filter and understand information that will help you place successful trades. Information traders receive and apply to their trading strategies is sometimes considered the only difference between financial markets and a game of chance. In this last section of the course, you will learn:
  • How to find relevant news
  • How to read/understand this relevant news
  • How to apply these findings to your trades
All of this information will be based on how resident experts here at Axiory do their research and later share it on our platform. You will learn to identify key movement indicators in every news piece you read about your currency pair of choice.
Although this best forex trading course for free does not require any prerequisite knowledge, this section may need some basic knowledge of economics.

Expected Outcomes

  • A very firm grasp of the basics of forex trading
  • High-level money management and risk management skills
  • A clear understanding of how the FX market works
  • Necessary knowledge of common tools and techniques used in FX
  • The ability to notice entry and exit point opportunities in the most volatile markets
  • Full readiness to place your first successful trade

Start Trading in 10 Minutes

Apply everything you’ve learnt on a real trading account with up to 1:2000 leverage, negative balance protection and outstanding support.
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FAQ on Axiory Free Online Forex Trading Course for Beginners

How can I learn Forex for free?

The best way to learn FX for free is to find a mentor or a free online course that will help you get started with the basics. Luckily the Axiory forex trading free course is designed for both beginners and experts. You will learn the most important factors that veteran traders already know and apply to their trades on a daily basis. The end goal is to help you place your first successful trade.

Are there legit free online currency trading courses?

Yes, there definitely are. Take the Axiory free trading course as an example. Experts who teach on this course are fully aware that the market does nothing but benefit when more new traders join the fray. Therefore, it is in both your and the lecturer’s interest that you learn about the forex market and are successful in your future trades.

Should I combine free Forex course with demo trading?

Yes. Definitely. Think of demo trading as an opportunity to directly apply theory to practice. A demo trading account is simply a simulated FX trading environment, where the funds are not real. It helps with testing strategies and different tools without any financial risks.
It is highly recommended by the best free forex course that you immediately apply the theory you learn from a webinar to your demo account to help with memorizing it and seeing its potential.

Who are the experts at the free online FX trading course?

The Axiory free forex course is led by 4 experts with decades of combined experience in the Forex market. They are:
Tomasz Wisniewski - a seasoned FX expert as well as a lecturer with 400 webinars under his belt as well as a stint in the Warsaw Stock Exchange. You will learn the best technical approaches as well as money management skills from Tomasz.
Roberto d’Ambrosio - the CEO and Director of Axiory Global, Roberto is an expert algorithmic trader with highly extensive knowledge about the FX market. With his experience as an advisor to hedge funds, Roberto is the perfect expert to learn risk management from.
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